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2022 Greater Los Angeles Homeless Count Data


Countywide information

Los Angeles County 

Total PIT Countywide population by geographic areas

Los Angeles Continuum of Care information 

Los Angeles Continuum of Care (CoC) 

Vehicles, Tents, and Makeshift shelters counted by geographic areas

City of Los Angeles 

Service Planning Areas (SPA)

SPA 3 
SPA 4 
SPA 5 
SPA 6 

Dashboard: Data by Service Planning Area



Black/African American

American Indian Alaska Native

Older Adults (aged 55+)

Unaccompanied women

Chronically Homeless

Not Chronically Homeless





Unsheltered population details

Unsheltered Adults Systems Involvement

Unsheltered Youth Systems Involvement

City of Los Angeles Council Districts (CD) using jurisdictional boundaries from 2012-2021

CD 1 
CD 2
CD 3
CD 4
CD 5
CD 6
CD 7
CD 8
CD 9
CD 10
CD 11
CD 12
CD 13
CD 14
CD 15

Dashboard: Data by LA City Council District

Los Angeles County Supervisorial Districts (SD) using jurisdictional boundaries from 2012-2021

SD 1
SD 2
SD 3
SD 4
SD 5

Dashboard: Data by LA County Supervisorial District

Other geographies

Unincorporated areas of LA County

Skid Row



Dashboard: Data by City/Community

Independent Cities in LA CoC by SPA

SPA 1 Independent Cities
SPA 2 Independent Cities
SPA 3 Independent Cities
SPA 4 Independent Cities
SPA 5 Independent Cities
SPA 6 Independent Cities
SPA 7 Independent Cities
SPA 8 Independent Cities

Detailed data sets

Housing Inventory Count (HIC) 

Census tract-level data 

Other items related to methodology

Unsheltered demographic survey packet 

Car, Van, RV, Tent, and Makeshift shelter population conversion factors (multipliers)

USC Homeless Count Methodology Report


Data Summaries for jurisdictional boundaries implemented in 2022

City of Los Angeles Council Districts (CD) using jurisdictional boundaries implemented 2022

CD 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, & 15 boundaries did not change. 

CD 1
CD 2
CD 3
CD 4
CD 5
CD 10
CD 12
CD 13
CD 14

Los Angeles County Supervisorial Districts (SD) using jurisdictional boundaries implemented 2022

SD 1
SD 2
SD 3
SD 4
SD 5


Youth Count (YC) 2022 DATA SUMMARIES

YC2022 Los Angeles Continuum of Care (CoC) 

Service Planning Areas (SPA)

YC2022 SPA 1
YC2022 SPA 2
YC2022 SPA 3
YC2022 SPA 4
YC2022 SPA 5
YC2022 SPA 6
YC2022 SPA 7
YC2022 SPA 8

Dashboard: Data by SPA

Dashboard: Data by City of LA Council Districts using jurisdictional boundaries from 2012-2021

Dashboard: Data by LA County Supervisorial Districts using jurisdictional boundaries from 2012-2021



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